Suffer From Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy? Consider Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

For people with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), everyday life can be excruciating. RSD is a chronic pain disorder that causes extreme sensitivity in touching, swelling, skin color changes, temperature changes, fatigue, profuse sweating, atrophy, anxiety, and depression. Symptoms only get worse if left untreated. Simple mundane tasks many people don’t pay attention to, like walking…

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Three Reasons Why Some Women Don’t Have Their Fibroids Treated

Believe it or not, many women often never have to worry about getting uterine fibroid treatments, even though they may have these common tumors. Here’s why. They’re Asymptomatic. One of the main reasons why many women never have to think about getting fibroid treatments is because they never experience any of the signs and symptoms…

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The Secret Fitness Plan Even Celebrities Don’t Know About

Everyone wants a great beach body, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to go about getting one. The secret to achieving a great beach body is there is no secret! One of the most important beach body tips you can remember is to forego fad diets and celebrity trends such as waist training in favor of…

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How Professional Skin Care Products Can Help You Love Your Skin

Loving the skin you’re in has never before been as easy as it is now. Thanks to advances in medical technology, nutrition, and a better understanding of chemical ingredients and their role in skin care, keep your skin in tip top shape has never been easier. While acne treatments are among some of the most…

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Low T What It Is and What You Can Do About It

Though testosterone levels in men tend to gradually decrease starting by age 30, testosterone deficiency (otherwise known as low testosterone or “low T”) is nothing to scoff at. Medical researchers predict that by 2025, the number of American men between the ages of 30 and 79 with low testosterone will rise to 6.5 million. That…

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