While medical lasers seem like something out of a bad science fiction movie, they’re more real than ever. They’ve been around for a while now, actually, but we’re just beginning to discover all of the ways that medical lasers can help our lives. From cosmetic procedures to serious laser therapy pain relief procedures, the medical laser is breaking down boundaries. Here are some of the things medical lasers can do for you:
Fix Your Eyesight – If you wear glasses or contacts, then you’ve probably already heard about laser eye surgery. But you may not know how it works, so I’ll fill you in. Technicians use the medical laser to get inside your eye without invasive traditional surgeries. Then, they re-shape your cornea, to allow for perfect vision without the use of an assisting lens. (A.k.a. your glasses and/or contacts.)
Get Rid of Unwanted Body “Extras” – Whether it’s stubborn body hair or a tattoo that you still can’t believe you went through with, medical lasers could be your answer. Using light to break apart the hair and the ink pigments under your skin, a few sessions with the laser can help you finally say goodbye to the old you, and start a new chapter with your new clear skin.
It Can Help Your Furry Friends – Laser therapy for pain has been a growing procedure in humans, but it also can work wonders for your animals. Veterinary lasers are a great choice for anyone who has a pet that experiences chronic pain, but you don’t want to subject your pet to risky surgeries or painkillers. This is especially promising with the introduction of the equine laser. The equine laser can keep your horse ready for competition, without risking its health or safety with surgery.
So hip-hip-hooray for medical lasers! Do your homework, and find out how they can help you today.