Why Online Therapy Is Psychiatry’s Best — Kept Secret

Whether due to work, location, or other commitments, it can be difficult to keep doctors’ appointments. Due in part to the fact that psychological ailments can be considered “lesser” and certainly less urgent than physical illnesses, it’s particularly easy to cancel a psychiatrist’s appointment and forget to reschedule. However, taking care of your mental health…

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Electromagnetic Sensitivity May Be Causing Your Headaches

Electromagnetic frequency–EMF–is something you experience everyday. You are just not aware you do. When you check your email on your cell phone in the morning; microwave breakfast; use your navigational device, and get on your computer for six plus hours at work, you are exposed to EMF. There are some groups that worry about EMF…

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Notice Poor Sleep? You Might Have Low Testosterone

Men who suffer from low testosterone levels (commonly shortened to “low testosterone” or “low T”) face a serious list of symptoms that only get worse if left untreated. Increased body weight, decreased muscle mass, chronic fatigue, lack of focus, poor sleep, and depression are just some of the symptoms men with the disease develop. There’s…

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How to Choose The Right Nursing Home

Choosing a nursing home can be an overwhelming process. Sometimes, we need to find them very suddenly, and sometimes it’s due to steadily progressing conditions, like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Regardless, you want to make sure that you, or your loved one, has the best clinical care team possible. Thankfully, nursing homes were designed to provide…

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