Notice Poor Sleep? You Might Have Low Testosterone

Men who suffer from low testosterone levels (commonly shortened to “low testosterone” or “low T”) face a serious list of symptoms that only get worse if left untreated. Increased body weight, decreased muscle mass, chronic fatigue, lack of focus, poor sleep, and depression are just some of the symptoms men with the disease develop. There’s…

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How to Choose The Right Nursing Home

Choosing a nursing home can be an overwhelming process. Sometimes, we need to find them very suddenly, and sometimes it’s due to steadily progressing conditions, like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Regardless, you want to make sure that you, or your loved one, has the best clinical care team possible. Thankfully, nursing homes were designed to provide…

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Want to Treat Headaches Without Drugs? Here’s How

Treatment for headaches usually involves popping some kind of painkiller, either prescription or over-the-counter. But over time, those drugs can be extremely harmful — and even start causing more headaches (look up “rebound headache”). The good news is that there are many completely natural, drug-free ways to combat headaches. Here are five to try: Stick…

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Liposuction and hCG Dieting 2 Fantastic Weight Loss Supplements

Anyone who’s lost a substantial amount of weight can tell just how hard it is and how long it takes. There are no “quick fix” solutions in weight loss and healthy living. No sustainable weight loss can be achieved without consistent diet and exercise. Without eating right and working out, there no (healthy) way to…

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Clearing Up Care Confusion Understanding the Role of Urgent Medical Care Services

Navigating the American health care system can be confusing at times, as it can be difficult when and where to seek the appropriate care. For example, while an urgent care physician or health care practitioner may recommend or suggest physical therapy exercises as part of long term care or treatment, urgent care clinics are not…

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Why Understanding the Difference Between Emergency and Urgent Care is So Vital

No one likes to be sick, especially when at an inconvenient time, such as late at night or on a weekend. When this happens, it can be difficult to find doctors who are open past the traditional or normal business hours of operation, which are typically between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. In these cases,…

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Suffer From Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy? Consider Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

For people with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), everyday life can be excruciating. RSD is a chronic pain disorder that causes extreme sensitivity in touching, swelling, skin color changes, temperature changes, fatigue, profuse sweating, atrophy, anxiety, and depression. Symptoms only get worse if left untreated. Simple mundane tasks many people don’t pay attention to, like walking…

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