Anyone who’s lost a substantial amount of weight can tell just how hard it is and how long it takes. There are no “quick fix” solutions in weight loss and healthy living. No sustainable weight loss can be achieved without consistent diet and exercise. Without eating right and working out, there no (healthy) way to keep your weight down and your body in shape.
That is not to say, however, that there aren’t supplemental options available for people who diet and exercise. Specifically, there are two medical weight loss solutions that are extremely popular with Americans. Consider them for when you find yourself wanting to lose some weight:
- Liposuction: Liposuction is a fairly well-known procedure that involves the physical removal of fat tissue from the body. The tissue traditionally could only be removed with invasive surgery. However, modern technology makes it possible to remove fat via non-invasive lasers. Laser liposuction procedures are very popular with patients interested in medical weight loss solutions. Low heat lasers “melt” fat cells in the body without breaching the skin. Even conventional liposuction surgery has a recovery time of about a week, meaning that patients can be up and running in their new bodies in practically no time.
- The hCG Diet: The hCG diet consists of taking the hCG hormone, which naturally suppresses hunger and stimulates fat burning, and limiting your diet to 500 calories a day of organic, low-carb foods. Under proper supervision, dieters can lose weight rapidly.
It is important to keep in mind (again) that these supplements are not substitutes but rather supplements to diet and exercise. Healthy living and weight loss go hand-in-hand. You can’t have one without the other. However, some people have a naturally harder time losing weight than others. These procedures are there for them. For more information, feel free to leave a comment or question at the bottom.