Chontel Duncan is an Australian fitness model who runs HIIT Australia, a fitness business. According to Metro.co.uk, despite the fact that she’s just weeks away from giving birth, she continues to work out every day and doesn’t care what you think about it. In fact, her openness on the subject has helped her become something of a viral sensation.
It all started when she began sharing pictures of herself to her 209,000 Instagram followers in December, about four months into her pregnancy. One of the first pictures featured Duncan and her friend, Nat, who is about four weeks ahead of her term wise. They posed facing each other, bump-to-bump, each with very different sized baby bumps at that point.
“Each women carries differently and this most certainly doesn’t mean one is doing something wrong or not healthy,” Duncan wrote on the pictures caption. “We both have healthy growing babies and we both have had incredible pregnancies so far, feeling amazing and full of energy.”
In what’s become something of a trend among pregnant women around the world, Duncan chose to embrace her pregnancy and everything that comes with it. Instead of hiding from the public eye while she continued to grow in size, she instead just posted even more revealing photos as her body changed throughout the process.
She has continued her regular workout routine under the guidance of her obstetrician. In America there are about 28,000 birth injuries every year, but there’s no evidence to suggest that maintaining an active lifestyle contributes to or increases the chances of complications in any way. In fact, many people believe the opposite.
While Duncan has changed her eating habits slightly — she now eats whenever she’s hungry — she still follows the healthy diet she was on before becoming pregnant. Her mission is to shed some light on active pregnancies and also show that every women deals with it differently and that “pregnancy comes in all shapes, sizes and abilities.”