Ask any medical weight loss doctors, and they’ll likely tell you the same thing: that liposuction should never be used as a substitute for a healthy diet and active lifestyle.
But what if you eat healthy, exercise regularly and still feel unhappy with the way your body looks? Or do you just want to lose those last five pounds that seem to be stubbornly hanging on no matter how hard you try to lose them? If so, a liposuction procedure may be the right choice for you.
Tired of feeling frustrated with those stubborn spots where your weight loss doesn’t seem to be having any effect? Here’s a look at three notoriously tough weight loss areas that a liposuction procedure can help transform.
As we age, our jawlines and the area under our chins becomes increasingly prone to holding extra fat deposits. A double chin can be an embarrassing, unsightly thing to have for many people, especially if the rest of your body is toned and fit. Liposuction, which is great for targeting small areas, can help remove this deposit of fat and make your jawline more shapely.
The area of your upper torso that’s responsible for “love handles” is another stubborn area for people trying to lose weight. If you’re tired of this extra bulge when you wear low-rise jeans, liposuction can be the answer. Best of all? Because you’re already at a healthy weight, these love handles won’t re-appear after your procedure.
Many people fear getting the dreaded “cankles” — ankles that have fat deposits to make them look like part of the calves. While cankles are often determined by one’s genetics, you can rid yourself of them for good with a targeted liposuction procedure.
Have any other questions about visiting weight loss doctors for the laser liposuction procedure? Feel free to ask us by leaving a comment below. Links like this.