Americans have developed a reputation over the last few decades that they are lazy and obese. Lazy is a bit subjective, but the obesity charts don’t lie. U.S. citizens do struggle with weight issues and have done so for years.
It’s not that Americans are purposely trying to become obese or are unaware of how to live a healthy lifestyle, it’s just more common among Americans to have an unhealthy diet and struggle with physical activity. Less than 5% of American adults participate in the recommended 30 minutes of physical activity every day.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the average American, in order to live a healthy adult lifestyle, should get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity each week. A combination of both moderate and vigorous physical activity can also be performed in order to help combat obesity and other health concerns.
The world’s first indoor soccer league began in Boston, Massachusetts in 1923 with 11 players on each team. Since then, thousands of indoor sports leagues started in hopes of keeping children and adults active over the winter.
In addition to aerobic workouts, average American adults should work on muscular strength as well. It’s important to do strength training exercises for all major muscle groups at least two times a week. Each person, in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, should aim to do one set of each exercise using a weight heavy enough to make the muscles tired after 12 to 15 repetitions.
The Daily Mail reports that it’s not just American adults who are struggling with obesity. Fewer than 1% of U.S. preschool children are getting enough physical activity, either.
A study by the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital evaluated 400 preschool-aged children over a 24-hour period and found that 99% of kids did not get nearly enough exercise and approximately one-fourth of kids had a BMI that placed them in the overweight category.
“Preschool children who are overweight or obese have four-fold odds of being overweight or obese as adults,” said Dr. Amrik Singh Khalsa.