Want To Help a Kid Lose Weight? Then Don’t Do This…

A study recently published online in the medical journal Pediatrics suggests that parents who nag children about their weight may actually make them less likely to lose weight. “Parental perceptions may be something of a self-fulfilling prophecy,” said study co-author Angelina Sutin with the Florida State University College of Medicine in Tallahassee. Sutin and her…

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Adidas Partners With Tech Firm to Create Kiddie Fitness Tracking Devices

Children need to stay active — especially American children, for whom the looming obesity crisis poses a very real threat. Experts recommend that children participate in muscle training and bone strengthening activities at least three times a week, including activities like jump roping and gymnastics. Public and private agencies have worked hard to encourage fitness…

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As Warmer Months Approach, Questions Surrounding How to Protect Against the Zika Virus Remain Pertinent

According to The Huffington Post, health officials have announced that U.S. cities and states need to start thinking more seriously about adopting new mosquito fighting strategies to fight the possibility of a Zika virus outbreak — especially with the coming of warmer weather. The disease-carrying mosquitoes pose a much larger threat than did, for instance,…

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Celebrities Are Reaping the Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

The newest celebrity fad diet isn’t exactly “new,” considering it’s been around since Biblical times. Indeed, from Jimmy Kimmel to Benedict Cumberbatch, fasting has become the new sanctioned diet of the stars — and for good reason. Unlike many other trending diets, responsible fasting is backed by a wealth of compelling and scientifically-founded benefits. Intermittent…

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