Your fitness routine may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of different ways you can improve sustainability. But it turns out there are a few ways you can make your workout a little more eco-friendly.
From your water bottle to what you wear, there are plenty of small changes you can make that can help to make a difference in fighting back against climate change.
Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered. Here are a few simple things you can do to sweat sustainably.
Keep your workout routine digital
Some folks like to print out their monthly workout routines so they know what to expect for the week. But did you know that 17% of everything printed is considered waste?
Instead of printing out your workout schedule, consider incorporating it into your phone’s Calendar app or downloading a workout app. You can also download the printable files onto your phone and computer so you can access them when you need them instead of printing them out.
Protect your skin with eco-friendly products
Sunscreen is important when you’re working out outside, especially during the summer months. But be sure you’re not using sunscreen that contains chemicals that can affect the environment such as oxybenzone and octinoxate.
Only 3% of the planet’s water is fresh water and, every year, up to 14,000 tons of sunscreen wash into the oceans. About 82,000 chemicals from personal-care products can taint the water.
To keep your own personal-care products from polluting the water whether you’re swimming laps or going for a dip after a long jog, use sunscreens that are biodegradable and use titanium dioxide.
Waste not, want not
Paper isn’t the only thing you ought to worry about when it comes to waste. You can also produce waste depending on how you protect your eyes and how you hydrate.
It’s always a good idea to protect your eyes from the sun, especially because the sun can reflect off your sweat and make it difficult to see. But it’s also a good idea to wear the right protective eyewear.
Every 14 minutes, a person in the U.S. either sits on, breaks, or loses their sunglasses. Instead of wearing your usual sunglasses while you’re out for a run, invest in a pair of sports sunglasses that stick to your head when you move. This will help to keep your eyes protected and your sunglasses safe from potential damage.
Waste is also common when it comes to hydration. A million plastic bottles are wasted every minute and 91% of them aren’t recycled. Most plastic ends up in a landfill or in the ocean, and it’ll be 400 years before any of these plastics decompose.
To keep yourself from contributing to this plastic problem, invest in a reusable water bottle. Not only does it reduce plastic waste but it also helps you save money in the long run.
These are just a few simple ways you can fight back against climate change by making your everyday fitness routine more eco-friendly. Come up with a few more ideas on your own to make your workout more sustainable.