Finding the motivation to exercise can be difficult, but according to The Telegraph, working out with a significant other could be just the push one needs.
A recent study from workout apparel company ADAY found that 40% of the 350 couples interviewed said their partner was the most significant factor in remaining fit.
The overwhelming majority of women answered yes when asked if their partners boosted their healthy intentions, with three-quarters of the couples saying their significant others were their biggest cheerleader.
One woman explained: “My husband inspires me to eat healthier and live an overall healthier lifestyle. He is my motivation, because ultimately, I do it for us.”
Experts from W10 Performance training state that they have observed better and more consistent results from people who regularly work out with spouses or partners. With a workout partner, couples feel more accountability to attend gym sessions.
Couples working together to stay healthy have positive effects on each other outside of the gym as well, mostly due to joint efforts to stay on better diets.
“While having a training partner is always motivating, training with your other half? Even better, particularly as you learn to work towards the same goal. It also gives a couple more common ground, as well as some crucial extra time spent together,” explained personal trainer Olli Foxley.
The research also showed that 65% of couples who exercise together feel more connected to one another.
In fact, WTNH-TV News 8 of Connecticut reports that studies have shown couples who workout together actually remain together longer.
Not only do couple exercises promote teamwork skills, but by holding each other accountable for keeping up with their health, they can celebrate each other’s victories.
If more couples took the time to work out together, a sizable chunk of the 10% of the United States population who is currently divorced may have potentially avoided this turmoil.