Everyone knows that exercise is good for your heart, your brain and your allover fitness, but did you know that exercise also plays a direct role in your fertility?
Men who spend too much time on the couch watching television may be in for some trouble when trying to become pregnant with a spouse. The best advice, according to a six-month study, is to get out and exercise to significantly improve the quality of sperm and improve the rate of fertility among couples.
Wholly 85% to 90% of infertility cases are treated with surgical procedures or drug therapy. Those options can be great for struggling couples, but it won’t hurt to try some more practical remedies before major treatments. That’s where cardiovascular exercises come in.
According to The Huffington Post, moderate and steady cardio exercises, like jogging, can significantly improve the state of a man’s sperm, as well as its speed and volume.
The study, published in the journal Reproduction, followed 261 previously sedentary men in Iran, and found that the ones who were randomly assigned to begin an exercise regimen improved the overall quietly of their sperm. Simply running on a treadmill was enough to provide men a better chance at getting a woman pregnant.
“Our results show that doing exercise can be a simple, cheap, and effective strategy for improving sperm quality in sedentary men,” said lead researcher and study co-author Behzad Hajizadeh Maleki.
BBC reports that there are other reasons a man can’t have children, besides just sperm count.
“We have a very poor understanding of how physical exercise affects male fertility and sperm quality, but it is a question commonly asked by men wishing to improve their chances of having a child,” said Allan Pacey, a professor of andrology at the University of Sheffield and spokesman for the British Fertility Society.