Research shows that over half of all business have acquired a customer through their company blog, but for Republican Nominee Donald Trump, many can argue that his Twitter account and unique point of view is responsible for his rising, political success.
And it is exactly that outspoken point of view that many are worried about.
People are so worried, in fact, that thousands of police officers and federal agents could be seen combing the streets of Cleveland days before the event. The RNC comes at a time of heightened terrorist tensions in the days after the brutal attacks that left 84 dead in Nice, France and three cops murdered at close range in Baton Rouge.
RNC officials installed security fencing, checkpoints, and barriers around the main building and alongside key streets and intersections downtown in hopes to thwart any potential attacks of anti-Trump lobbyists. Police were stationed every few feet in full riot gear, in patrol cars, and on horseback on the roads leading to the convention.
Although the roads into Cleveland boasted signs that urged peace and caution, the RNC’s hotline for suspicious activity was plastered all throughout the city in large font.
Many are worried about Ohio’s gun laws and how they could pose danger at the convention. The largest police union in Cleveland wrote a letter to Governor John Kasich, urging him to issue an executive order suspending Ohio’s open carry laws in areas near to the convention headquarters.
A spokesperson for Kasich responded saying that the governor does not have the authority to suspend federal and state constitutional rights in this manner.
On the other hand, RNC officials do not see a cause for worry. Jeff Larson, CEO of the convention, tells The Washington Times,
“I feel good about the security plan. There are a lot of people coming here to execute their First Amendment rights, and we are going to be supportive of that. This is the United States of America, and people get a chance to do that in an orderly fashion, and when they start getting disorderly, I think the police will move in.”
Despite claims of safety, police nationwide are wary of offering their protection at the convention in fear of violent retaliation, large crowds, and chaotic protests.
Almost a third of the states — 74% — require all businesses to provide workers compensation in case their employees are hurt on the job, but due to the rising tensions between black Americans and police forces nationwide, police are taking extreme lengths to protect themselves.
The city of Cleveland even set aside $50 million for “protest insurance” — just in case an officer was accused of mistreating protesters or in case anyone was injured in the protest.
Nevertheless police forces in Cincinnati, OH and Greensboro, NC, started turning down requests for police officer representation in Cleveland. Citing fear and apprehension over proper liability insurance, these police forces chose not to risk attending. The city’s protest insurance was only for use by Cleveland officers, not visiting police forces.
As reported on Insurance Business America, Brian James, Greensboro Deputy Chief of Police, wrote a letter to the Cleveland force. He said,
“I was made aware of short time ago that the city of Cleveland will not provide workers’ compensation insurance for our officers should they suffer an injury during this event. In 2012, we assisted the city of Charlotte, North Carolina with the Democratic National Convention and Workers’ Compensation Insurance was provided to our officers working this event. This will cause the city of Greensboro to assume responsibility for any reported injuries for our officers serving in their normal capacity but outside of our jurisdiction.”
James also vehemently expressed his lack of confidence in the city of Cleveland’s preparedness for the RNC.
All in all, the convention was not as chaotic as originally thought. Police were being treated warmly, and the crowds were heard screaming “thank you!” to officers who walked by.
Cleveland police only had to make five arrests, three for climbing the flag pole at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, one for a felony warrant, and one for stealing a gas mask from a patrol vehicle.