Though at times it may feel like an illness, menopause and its symptoms are a natural part of life for most women. On average, menopause occurs naturally around the age of 51, bringing a plethora of health changes that can sometimes be unpleasant. Many individuals experience hot flashes, migraines, insomnia, weight gain, and more.
While menopause isn’t always fun, luckily, the symptoms can diminish over time. However, it can take years for all menopause symptoms to disappear, so it is important to learn management tactics to remain healthy and comfortable.
Don’t let menopause symptoms interrupt your daily activities. Whether you’re at work, enjoying a hobby, or spending time with your family, here are four tips to reduce and manage your menopause symptoms:
1. Clean Up Your Diet
During menopause, eating a healthy diet is more important than ever. As hormones change, it can be harder to maintain a healthy weight, and many individuals experience significant weight gain before and during this time. Start by eating plenty of fruits and veggies, which can help you feel full without adding too many calories to your meals and snacks. What’s more, eating an array of plant-based foods can help prevent many chronic illnesses. Since nearly half (47%) of all debt collected by the debt collection industry is health-care related, preventing chronic illness can be a good way to maintain physical and financial health as you age.
2. Dress in Layers
Hot flashes are one of the most common, and possibly most frustrating symptoms of menopause. Unfortunately, they can’t always be prevented. Find relief during hot flashes by adjusting your environment wherever possible. If you work in an office, try relocating your desk to be nearer to a window, or consider purchasing a small desk fan. Remember to dress in layers– since the average American spends about $1,800 on clothing each year, there should be room in your budget for extra shawls or cardigans that you can remove when you’re feeling a little overheated.
3. Skip the Caffeine
Many individuals experience difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep during menopause. Protect your rest by switching to decaf beverages whenever possible, and especially avoid caffeine during the afternoon and evening. Caffeine and alcohol can also trigger night sweats, so reducing your intake might also help you sleep more comfortably.
4. Drink Plenty of Water
While you should cut back your coffee and soda intake, consider increasing the amount of water you drink to help combat the symptoms of menopause. Night sweats and changes in hormones can leave your body dehydrated, so be sure to drink eight to twelve glasses of water daily. Drinking lots of H20 can help reduce bloating, vaginal dryness, and even keep your skin more hydrated, which stalls wrinkle formation. And considering the skin renews itself about every 28 days or so, keeping all that new skin hydrated is a plus.
Though you may not be able to avoid menopause, a few simple strategies can make menopause a bit easier to manage. Try any of these four tips to stay cool, collected, and comfortable throughout menopause. After all, menopause is natural, and it shouldn’t keep you from enjoying your life!